Experiment Configuration

Launching experiments with the Maze command line interface (CLI) is based on the Hydra configuration system and hence also closely follows Hydra’s experimentation workflow. In general, there are different options for carrying out and configuring experiments with Maze. (To see experiment configuration in action, check out our project template.)

Command Line Overrides

To quickly play around with parameters in an interactive (temporary) fashion you can utilize Hydra command line overrides to reset parameters specified in the default config (e.g., conf_train).

$ maze-run -cn conf_train env.name=CartPole-v0 algorithm=ppo algorithm.lr=0.0001

The example above changes the trainer to PPO and optimizes with a learning rate of 0.0001. You can of course override any other parameter of your training and rollout runs.

For an in depth explanation of the override concept we refer to our Hydra documentation.

Experiment Config Files

For a more persistent way of structuring your experiments you can also make use of Hydra’s built-in Experiment Configuration.

This allows you to maintain multiple experimental config files each only specifying the changes to the default config (e.g., conf_train).

# @package _global_

# defaults to override
  - override /algorithm: ppo
  - override /wrappers: vector_obs

# overrides
  lr: 0.0001

The experiment config above sets the trainer to PPO, the learning rate to 0.0001 and additionally activates the vector_obs wrapper stack.

To start the training run with this config file, run:

$ maze-run -cn conf_train +experiment=cartpole_ppo_wrappers

You can find a more detail explanation on how experiments are embedded in the overall configuration system in our Hydra experiment documentation.

Hyperparameter Optimization

Maze also support hyper parameter optimization beyond vanilla grid search via Nevergrad (in case you have enough resources available).

You can start with the experiment template below and adopt it to your needs (for details on how to define the search space we refer to the Hydra docs and this example).

# @package _global_

# defaults to override
  - override /algorithm: ppo
  - override /hydra/sweeper: nevergrad
  - override /hydra/launcher: local
  - override /runner: local

# set training runner concurrency
  concurrency: 0

# overrides
      # name of the nevergrad optimizer to use
      # OnePlusOne is good at low budget, but may converge early
      optimizer: OnePlusOne
      # total number of function evaluations to perform
      budget: 100
      # number of parallel workers for performing function evaluations
      num_workers: 4
      # we want to maximize reward
      maximize: true

    # default parametrization of the search space
      # a linearly-distributed scalar
        lower: 0.00001
        upper: 0.001
        lower: 0.0000025
        upper: 0.025

# Hint: make sure that runner.concurrency * hydra.sweeper.optim.num_workers <= CPUs

To start a hyper parameter optimization, run:

$ maze-run -cn conf_train env.name=Pendulum-v0 \
  algorithm.n_epochs=5 +experiment=nevergrad --multirun

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